Ausgabe Nr.
Ausgabe Nr.


Viva Canarias Publicaciones S.L.
Adresse: P.O.BOX 61
E-35100 Maspalomas, Gran Canaria (Provincia Las Palmas)
CIF n°: B76305853
Deposito Legal Viva Canarias: GC17-2012
ISSN No .: 2254-1365
Viva Pocket: GC1245-2013


Julija Major, Administradora

Contacto / Kontakt

Tel.: (+34) 636 272 578
Email: prensa [at]
Facebook: VivaCanariasMagazin
Geschäftszeiten: Ma. - Vi. 10.00 - 13.00 hrs./Di. - Fr. 10.00 bis 13.00 Uhr
Lunes cerrado / montags geschlossen
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Copyright: Viva Canarias Publicaciones S.L.

All rights of the contents of the publications Viva Canarias and Viva Pocket (both the print edition and on the Internet) are for personal use only. Unauthorized use, copying, duplication or modification is prohibited in any form and on any medium and as is the disclosure to third parties (eg subscriptions).

Viva Canarias assumes no liability for the compatibility of the content with legal provisions outside the territory of Spain. 
Viva Canarias does not guarantee that the information provided is correct in content. Viva Canarias assumes no liability for accessibility, quality of access and type of presentation.

Criminal consequences of copyright infringement

We point out that all content is protected by copyright. This also applies in particular to the use of photos or advertisements designed by us.
Reproduction or other use is permitted only with the written permission of the publisher. The above also applies to our online edition, which we provide as PDF.
Unauthorized use, even if given with source, will be prosecuted. As reminder 3,240 euros plus IGIC are set.

Viva Canarias is not liable for third-party content, which merely refers to it in the above sense. The responsibility lies solely with the provider of the respective content.

Liability Committee (Spanish)

Esta revista aparece mensual. Las opiniones publicadas son responsabilidad únicamente de sus autores, sin que la redacción comparta necesariamente las mismas. Los horarios y programas de los espectáculos o eventos se publican sin garantía. No se responde por la exactitud de informaciones publicadas en artículos de terceros ni por la veracidad de lo publicado por nuestros anunciantes. Se prohíbe la reproducción de contenidos, textos o diseños de esta revista sin nuestra previa autorización escrita. No se devolverá original que que nos haya enviado sin nuestra previa solicitud.

Cierre de la redacción: jueves a las 12.00 horas.